Email Support
The Prosperity
Refund Policy
Client has 30 days from their payment to request a refund. No refunds will be granted once the 30-day period ends. Please understand that there are no exceptions to this refund policy. The Client MUST contact support@derekrydall.com to request a refund. No other form of communication will be accepted.
Exceptions to Granting Refunds:
1. All parties who have requested refunds on any consecutive occasions or for 50% or more of their purchases are ineligible.
2. All parties who have filed a payment processor dispute or chargeback abdicate all rights under this Refund Policy and agree to abide by this policy.
3. Anyone who has a past due balance on a previous program must pay previous balance(s) in full, to receive program delivery. (Contact support@derekrydall.com to make arrangements to clear any previous balance owed.)
In addition, Client is not entitled to a refund unless past payment(s) have been received in full within the refund period specified for this program.
Client agrees to honor any and all payments. Client agrees not to file any chargeback(s) or a dispute for any payment(s) amount(s) and to abide by the policies set forth herein once the refund period expires.

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Here's What You'll Get:
Learn cutting-edge strategies and practices for building HABITS OF WEALTH
Attune to such a high-vibration, you’ll become a MAGNET FOR MANIFESTING
Dissolve fear, stress, confusion, and overwhelm so you can be DIVINELY GUIDED
Uncover unconscious patterns and RELEASE THE BAGGAGE THAT BLOCKS YOU
Release guilt, shame, and resistance to BEING PROSPEROUS & SUCCESSFUL
Feel heard, held, loved, and have YOUR BIGGEST QUESTIONS ANSWERED
— A note from Derek —
They’ve been my colleagues, guides, and closest confidantes in my journey, and I couldn’t be more excited to finally share them with you!
George P. Kansas &
Tracey Trottenberg-Kansas

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